Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; ![]() The darkest prison known to humankind is the mind in a state of fear. The world out there is not some solid and definite thing with it's own truth. Ask 100 people what they see and feel and you will get 100 different answers. We each live in a bubble of our own reality and while we at times may cluster together with other people's bubbles, we still have our own separate perspectives, beliefs, assumptions and expectations. Reality as you know it is a world of your own making. The biggest obstacle to true freedom is ignorance of the true self. What most people don't yet understand, is that the mind - your mental image of yourself, your thoughts about yourself, your title, your job, your identity with which you present yourself to the world - is simply an illusion. ' The final frontier is the mind. Within the mind lies our greatest enemy, and also our liberation. The world has so many books, so much philosophy and so many pathways to personal growth, yet in the final hour, all that remains to do is to let go. We are holding on due to fear. We are resisting the truth, avoiding our true essence, hiding our authentic being from others, hiding, hiding always. Wouldn't it be amazing to have a simple tool, an easy technique, that you could use for yourself anytime you decided you wanted to let go of a thought or negative feeling, or dysfunctional old belief or behavior pattern that was causing you unnecessary pain and suffering? Well there is, and it's called EFT (Tapping). Tapping or "EFT" (which stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques) is an energy psychology method first developed by Roger Callahan (TFT) and then further developed by Gary Craig who named his simplified version "EFT" more than 20 years ago. Tapping is quickly gaining widespread recognition and is even acknowledged now by many of the foremost trauma experts in the field of psychology as a powerful cutting edge method of healing.
In my experience no technique has ever been as effective, as fast acting or as truly life-changing for my clients (and for myself) than EFT Tapping. It is simply not enough just to talk about feelings or to identify and try to let go of negative thinking, or to self-analyze and choose to replace a negative thought or belief with a positive one. The evolution of the "Positive Psychology" movement, and it the popularity of Coaching has been a step in the right direction, helping people to become more positive thinkers, to take charge of their lives, and disengage from negative self-defeating habits. But the missing link in modern psychology, therapy and coaching, has been the energy body. The mind and body are one. As we think, so we are. Feelings are continuously triggered by our continuous thoughts and we are largely powerless to intervene in that process because it is usually so automatic and unconscious. But there is a way around that. EFT Tapping works with the Energy Meridians - just as in the 5,000 yr old healing tradition of Acupuncture. Clearing repetitive patterns from the energy field is often as simple as tapping on a series of acupressure points with your fingers while focusing on the thought/belief or memory that is problematic or painful, and describing it in detail, verbally, out loud preferably. This technique is so subtle and so quick that it is easy to overlook it. It doesn't look impressive. In fact it looks kind of crazy. It doesn't involve any dramatic gestures or any primal screams and if you didn't know the real potential it holds, you probably would take no notice of it at all and disregard it as nonsense. But the simple truth is that I have seen traumas disappear - no matter how severe they have been and no matter how many years (or decades) they have been at a high level of mental/emotional intensity. Tapping can, in most cases, diminish or even eliminate the symptoms of trauma (vivid mental images, autonomic hyper-arousal, fearfulness, emotional sensitivity, anxiety, insomnia, guilt/shame, agitation and so on) and often very quickly. And the most remarkable thing of all is that Tapping can be applied to nearly every challenge, every mental block, every negative thought pattern with equal efficacy. Whether you want to clear a past trauma memory or improve your golf score; heal a broken heart or let go of an age-old resentment; overcome your fear of public speaking, flying, or elevators; get a handle on your obsessive worrying or chronic tension; eliminate your insomnia or stop your emotional eating habits. The list goes on and on. Why not give it a try? Contact Santa Rosa Life Coach Ben Schwarcz for more information or to schedule a session. Comments are closed.
Author, Ben Schwarcz
Transformational Coach, Psychotherapist, EFT Tapping Practitioner, Teacher and Author. Archives
March 2021