A Tale of Two Selves.
Our perspective of life and of ourselves is like peeking through a key hole. The actual truth is that reality is infinite and unlimited. But our ego-based consciousness is only capable of seeing a tiny aspect of it all, and it is controlled mostly by our thoughts, beliefs and childhood templates that are part of our subconscious programming. Living from this place, and identifying with this narrow view, keeps us very limited and disconnected from our real creative potential. You have another Self that is exceptionally wise, psychic, in an unbroken state of perfect awareness, yet detached and unaffected by the ups and downs of this lower world that we normally identify with as our everyday life. This Higher Self is watching the whole show and is not bound by time or space. This Higher Self is what you might call your True Self, your Essence, your Soul, or Atman. While we live out a sort of dream that we call waking life, we are only marginally aware of our Higher Self, if at all. It guides us quietly. Strengthens us when we pray or meditate. It speaks to us in dreams and through our intuition. It reveals itself through synchronicity, and numbers that you give meaning to (like seeing the number 11, or the time 11:11). The Higher Self does not interfere, but whispers softly, waiting patiently for us to wake up to this Higher awareness. At important times, when we really need a sudden wake up call, the Higher Self may get us to pay attention by creating pain or other physical issues to let us know that something is out of balance. The Higher Self is not living in linear time, so there is no sense of urgency. And this Higher Self is not fooled by the illusions of the apparent world, so it has no fear, no belief in loss, or even death. It is infinitely patient. Not bound by time, it is eternally free and ever present..... We live our little life drama, mostly out of habitual old patterns, usually from a place of fear and contraction, resigning ourselves to a limited life that is bound by negative expectations, isolation, and guilt. But we are not trapped as we think we are. We are actually playing a sort of game. Pretending to forget (and then forgetting that we were pretending to forget). Allowing ourselves to forget who we are in that Higher Realm... it's like we let ourselves fall asleep, like getting drunk.... taking a bite of the apple, we forget who we are for a while. And maybe we periodically have those moments of clarity, of deep insight, of inspiration and truth. And then we forget again. We keep on remembering and forgetting. But to the Higher Self it's all just an amusing little mental trip that is only a temporary departure from reality. Try holding this perspective when you get too serious and depressed about your life. We are playing hide and seek with our higher self. And when we're done playing we will have a good laugh and realize that we were never two selves, but only One. And we are completely OK. You know when you are in alignment with Higher Self by how harmoniously things flow in your life. It doesn't mean that there are no challenges or obstacles in the path. But in choosing to pursue your desire, you see doors open for you. You might say "the stars lined up," and you feel lucky, and it feels like the universe is conspiring to help you. Synchronicity is one of the surest signs that you are in alignment. Three Ways to Learn to Align with your Higher Self. 1. Do What Makes you Happy. Better yet, decide to be happy in spite of what ever crappy situation, or loss, or misfortune or worry or pain that you are feeling stuck in. Decide to be happy no matter what. Happiness is a higher vibration, and more closely matches the vibration of your Higher Self. So it's easier to make this connection when you're feeling good. It can also show up in a moment of deep pain, when you surrender or pray or call out for help - but happiness is a more fun way to make the connection. Innocence, Exuberance, and Appreciation draw us closer to the Higher Self. 2. Listen to your feelings and subtle energy (and your body) more than to your thoughts. Put your hand on your heart whenever you have a moment of doubt, fear or confusion. Ask yourself, "what am I feeling right now? Is this feeling mine or someone else's? What do I really want right now?" Giving to yourself, being kind to yourself, is more important than trying to be pragmatic or conforming to others expectations. 3. Affirm who you want to be, and do it frequently. Use the power of the words, "I AM." Use this phrase wisely, and in the service of your Higher Self. Never put yourself down or use your words against yourself. If you say "I'm unlucky" or I'm sick" or "I'm broke," these are Negative Affirmations. And what is a negative affirmation, but another word for DENIAL. Denial of your true Self. Denial of your Higher Self. Using negative words to identify with is a sure way to perpetuate your own personal hell. Just don't do it! The ultimate mantra is simply "I AM." But to boost yourself when feeling out of alignment, you can align with any positive soul quality that you want. "I AM healthy." "I AM Lovable." "I AM Powerful." "I AM Beautiful." "I AM Free." You will know these words are serving your real Self when you notice that your heart softens and expands a little when you say them. With practice, you will learn to focus your awareness on your heart, more than on the space between your ears, and you will learn to feel the subtle peace that softly radiates from that heart space and recognize that as a signal that tells you when you're in alignment. Listening to the heart requires you to let go of being logical, practical, sensible, or conventional. It may require that you you stop doing what others expect of you or tell you to do. There may be people in your life that say "You should do this!" Or they might say, "Don't you think you should do this? Why are your doing that?" If you listen to the words of others more than your own inner voice in the heart, you will move further from your Self, away from your Source, and you will become more confused. Listening to your heart may require you to get very still and quiet. It may help to stop and breath very slowly. It may help to talk out loud to your Higher Self and ask for clarity and guidance. You can also ask a question - in fact write it down - just before you go to sleep. Put it under your pillow and ask that the answer come to you in a dream. Then let go and trust. EFT Tapping is another powerful way to work on this alignment with your Higher Self. Stay tuned for my EFT video for clearing the blocks to your connection with the Higher Self. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Remember the 5 Keys to Transforming Consciousness: 1. Make space. Be still. 2. Breathe mindfully. 3. GIve up all efforts to be perfect. 4. Decide Now that you have the power and the choice to let go of anything at any time. It takes an instant to let go. Letting go is a constant practice. Do it repeatedly. YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM. You have the power to free yourself from anything that holds you back. 5. Recognize that your beliefs are the architect of your reality. If you want to change your reality, you have to be willing to question and release the old beliefs that limit you and keep you stuck. The Next Level of Advanced Coaching I am offering a limited number of my advanced, 4-Month, comprehensive private coaching program, From Trauma to Transformation. This comprehensive program enables me to deliver the best services that I have to offer, and do the deep work that is the most transformative, life-changing, and satisfying for both myself and my clients. This work spans the journey from pain and trauma, to positive self-development and transformation of consciousness. The goal of this work is to finally resolve past traumas, change your core beliefs and shift your mindset to allow for a whole new empowered experience of yourself and your world. This work awakens the magic in your life, gets you into a state of flow, increases synchronicity, and leads to more joy, connection and creative vision. Includes EFT Sessions, Two separate Full-Day Private Intensives, Laser Coaching sessions when you need an extra boost, unlimited email support, and more. If you are interested in learning more about my Trauma to Transformation Coaching Program, please complete my online application for a Mindset Transformation Session |
Author, Ben Schwarcz
Transformational Coach, Psychotherapist, EFT Tapping Practitioner, Teacher and Author. Archives
March 2021