Hope and belief are two of the most important elements for success. For manifesting and living your dreams. Without hope or belief in yourself, your dreams are only fantasies. Sad wishes.
How do we get that genuine hope and belief in ourselves – in our possibilities – when we're feeling down, sad, small and afraid? Consider who you're hanging out with. What kind of friendships do you have? What do your friends and family tell you? Are you hanging around with people who put you down, belittle you, don't take you seriously, are jealous and insecure about your success or your aspirations? Are you spending time with someone who tells you that you can't do it? That you should be more “practical” or more “realistic” and not have pipe dreams? Stop spending time with that person! Stop accepting those messages! They are small-minded and fearful. Unless you want to be like them – you must separate from them and spend time with and listen to those that actually, genuinely believe in you and your potential. You need positive people and positive influence if you want to change yourself and transform your life. It's as simple as that. Until your self-concept changes, nothing else changes. Sometimes people fall into the habit of only hanging out with others who are worse off than themselves. That way they can feel like they have some value, some self-esteem, or some positive influence. They might get some gratification, or some appreciation from people and that feels good. And of course, giving to others – selfless service is divine and is very important, both for yourself and for the world.... But if this is your community, and you, with all your own inner demons, fears, insecurities and self-doubts are the most positive person in that community – then how are you going to evolve and rise above your self-limiting beliefs? Every teacher needs a teacher. Every healer needs a healer. Every visionary needs a mentor. There are no exceptions. When someone you respect truly believes in you more than you believe in yourself - then you know you've found someone you can learn from. When you begin to absorb their positive image of you and you begin to do that for yourself, you will grow and your life will change for the better. You are only limited by your own self-concept. Cultivate a community of like-minded people, others that you can learn from, teachers that can guide you on a path of expansion and personal growth. Belief is powerful. Hope is powerful. Anything is possible if you TRULY believe in yourself! |
Author, Ben Schwarcz
Transformational Coach, Psychotherapist, EFT Tapping Practitioner, Teacher and Author. Archives
March 2021