I talk to hundreds of people who struggle with every type of emotion, trauma, fear, mental block.... you name it. In spite of the apparent differences between one person's struggles and another's, the point of change always comes with the same realizations.
The most important realization is this: “I am the source of all that I see. And nothing is outside of my consciousness.” This may sound like a grandiose idea. (It doesn't mean you're the ultimate creator of the Universe. Just the source of all that you see). So please just put aside your cynicism for a moment and consider this perspective. Having an open mind is a pre-requisite for any true growth or expansion of consciousness. Just an open mind. My clients have light-bulb moments when they begin to take this idea in and start to “feel” the truth of it, rather than just holding it as an interesting intellectual concept. If the world around you was only a dream, would you be afraid? If you knew it was all a dream, would you see any situations or people as a real threat to your well-being? The key factor in being liberated or being disempowered is your relationship to fear. Fear is only harmful to you when you see it as real. We go to scary movies because we like getting scared – but it's because we know it isn't real. We take risks because we like the thrill of overcoming our fear. Yes, I hear some of you saying, fear is necessary to keep me alive! I'm not talking about normal instinctive fear. Like swerving to avoid an accident. Although, you've probably experienced that kind of instinct and felt it like a slow motion scene, and felt no fear at all... I'm talking about made up fear. Fear that is magnified by our imagination. When life gets too scary, and we lose our power, it is because we see the threat as very real, and we see our power as very small. When you see the world as an impenetrable monster, you forget your most vital and precious gifts. You forget that it's a dream. You forget that it's a reflection of your mind. You take it very seriously and your vibration gets lower. The lower that vibration goes, the more you feel stuck in the matrix. Less energy, lower mood, more fear and anxiety, less creativity, less power, more despair and worry. It all gets very serious. The world is not your enemy. It is your canvas. Your playground. Your hologram. Your dream. You don't have to be perfect or saintly or enlightened to realize this. You don't have to eliminate every negative thought. You don't have to be nice all the time. You don't have to be vegan or know all the answers to life's mysteries. You don't have to be completely fearless or fulfilled or successful. You just have to be committed to embracing this one idea. This one realization. And then you work on your thoughts. Does this mean you don't have to take action? No! Empowered thoughts naturally lead to empowered action. It's hard to take empowered action when you are scared to death! When we think habitually and unconsciously all the time. When the mind is very unsettled and thoughts are constantly jumping from one thing to another, it is harder to remember that the world you see is an extension of this mind. Practicing concentration. Breathing. Doing things that help us feel grounded, calm and focused, makes it much easier to hold this idea and make it a conscious reality. Just the act of conscious breathing can bring us to this place. Conscious breathing is the essence of Mindfulness. When we are fully focused on our breathing we are much less mired in the mind. EFT Tapping is another incredible tool for extinguishing negative, habitual, fear based thoughts, and quieting the restless mind. If you want to change your world, it begins right here. Simple steps. Infinite possibilities. |
Author, Ben Schwarcz
Transformational Coach, Psychotherapist, EFT Tapping Practitioner, Teacher and Author. Archives
March 2021