A thought repeated long enough becomes a belief.
Thoughts determine your feelings. But it is your beliefs that construct your reality. Your beliefs are not random. They are part of your personal mythology... Each of us has a story, a narrative that we tell ourselves about our history, our upbringing, our successes and failures, our traumas and our blessings. The character we play in our life story is only as powerful as the beliefs we hold about this character. The story we tell is colored by emotion, and by the meaning we give it. It is not just a neutral timeline of events. It could be written as a tragedy. Or a tale of heroism and victory. It could be told as a story of existential meaninglessness... or a story of spiritual awakening.... Whatever our story is, we tend to stick to it. We tell it to ourselves and to others, and our subconscious mind knows it intimately. It becomes the blue print for our life. We broadcast it even without our awareness. What you see, and what you feel, how you think, and who you meet, all conforms to fit the story line that you have constructed. Your expectations, both conscious and unconscious, all fit with what would be expected for the character that you are playing in your story. When you change your story, you change your life. The story of your life is still unfolding, but as long as you hold onto the story of your past, you will inadvertently continue it into your future. The story that you've bought into is actually not required for your continued growth or happiness... it is simply a role that you have chosen to play, and you've become so engrossed in playing this part that you forgot your real self. What if you didn't have this story any more? Ask yourself: What is the life story that I am telling myself? Am I the hero or the victim of my story? Is it true, or is it just the story I have gotten attached to? Can I tell my story in a different way? If I could let go of my story completely, who would I be? Try This: 1. Simply writing about this can be a powerful and transformational process. Try writing down a summary of the story you've been holding onto. Write it just the way you've been telling it, and then look at it objectively. This alone will raise your consciousness... Then write down a new version that is more aligned with the person you consciously choose to be. Your ideal self. 2. Once you identify the parts of your old story that you would prefer to change, you can use EFT Tapping to dissolve your attachment to it. Negative emotions are like the glue that holds your painful memories together. With tapping you can neutralize the negative emotions about it specific events and re-frame the story, or ultimately, even let it go completely. If you don't know, or don't remember the basic EFT Tapping routine, please visit my website or download my book (link is below). An intuitive and non-judgemental guide and coach can provide a mirror for you to see yourself more clearly, and to help you dis-identify from the limiting story that is keeping you stuck. Through EFT Tapping, meditation, visualization and accountability to your goals and intentions, there are unlimited possibilities for shifting your consciousness and raising your vibration. The more your shift your thoughts and emotions, the easier it become to create the outer life you desire. Feel free to call me to schedule a session and make the shift :) All life is vibration. All energy. Your thoughts. Your emotions. Your body, and the Earth. This is a fact.
To change your circumstances, your environment, your relationships, and the path of your life, you have to shift your own consciousness. The good news is that these inner shifts do not require time, nor do they depend on anything outside you. Shifts happen continually, and the potential for positive changes exist in every moment. If you can get excited about this idea, you are already 90% of the way there! So what about the other 10 percent? Intention. Focus. Self-acceptance. Belief. That's the part that might need a little work. But it's good work and it's worth it. It's the work I live for -- for my own growth, and to help others do the same. When the mind is cluttered with too many thoughts and past traumas and old emotional experiences are still taking up room in your head, the focus is lost, the mind is scattered, the energy is not as strong and life can feel stuck and painful and frustrating. Never forget that the power to change is inside YOU. Not outside you, in the "world," or in someone else. You can do things to change your consciousness. Meditation. Breathing consciously. Talking (kindly) to yourself. And EFT Tapping are just a few of the best ways I have found. Here are some more things you can start right now, to elevate your feelings, raise your vibration and shift your life quickly.... More Ways to Practice Getting Into the Zone:
Most of all, be kind to yourself. Life is hard enough without you being your own worst enemy. Nobody was meant to struggle through life alone. We all get stuc sometimes. If you want some help remembering your own power, or you want to accelerate your your progress. It's never a bad time to invest in your own mental, emotional and spiritual well being! Feel free to call me to schedule a session and make the shift :) 707-326-5566 Or Schedule EFT Coaching sessions online: BOOK A SESSION I want to talk about Energy and Consciousness...
All physical matter is connected. And all matter is an expression of energy. Energy is the substratum of the world that we appear to live in. Not only are the atoms that make up your physical body, in fact energy... but your thoughts and emotions are forms of energy. They are measurable and real. The method that I use most in my work with people is EFT - also called Tapping. It is an energy based, mind/body technique that was developed over 20 years ago and has gained more and more acceptance by the mainstream psychology and medical professions. What we think, has a direct effect on what we feel, as well as our physical vitality and health. What we think Consciously - is only maybe 10% of what we are actually thinking. The other 90% is Unconscious - and it is that 90% that affects us the most! Our unconscious programs can help us and can also hurt us, or limit us, or cause us to feel stuck in patterns of behavior or relationships or circumstances that seem beyond our control. When our unconscious mind is in alignment with our conscious mind, things flow, you feel empowered, inspired, energized, and effective. But when there is a mismatch, such as when your conscious desire is blocked by your unconscious fear - then you feel stuck or blocked. EFT can be used to change those unconscious fears and emotional blocks. EFT is a form of energy healing that can alter your relationship to the past. It can permanently change your emotional reaction and your feelings about past events you've experienced in your life. Imagine for a moment that time was not linear but rather all times exist simultaneously. Imagine past present and future stretched out across the universe like a tunnel. Imagine rising above and away from that tunnel you have a vantage point of the whole thing all at once you can see it all stretched out before you all existing there in front of you like a loaf of bread... you can look at any slice of bread from any particular slice of time and yet it exists right now just as much as any other slice of bread. Now consider for a moment that whatever you feel think and do here right now in this present time is very much influenced by things that you've experienced in the past -- particularly in the first 20 years of life. From your childhood, when you were most impressionable. Now consider the fact anything that's happened, particularly any adverse event that has happened in your past continues to to exert a negative effect on your outlook, your emotions, even your health... your sense of possibilities about yourself and about the world, your relationship patterns your, stress, triggers, addictions, attachments, your likes and dislikes your fears..... Now if you could take yourself specifically back to a memory, what you are in fact doing is like time traveling... taking a past moment and entering into that moment in some way connecting back into that moment becoming present again in that moment..... and if you can use EFT tapping to elliminate or diffuse all the emotional energy and reactions to that past event as well as fade away the detail and the intensity of the memory itself -- then in a fact you have changed the past.... Because the past as it affects you now is simply the past as you remember it. If you change your memory and all of your feelings about that memory, it is as if it never happened. And this is exactly what many of my clients say to me after we have successfully worked through a past trauma. They sometimes find it unbelievable and a little confusing to find that a troubling past memory that has burdened them or overwhelmed them or felt extremely vulnerable or difficult to even talk about, unpleasant to think about for years, suddenly becomes inconsequential...neutral and faded and barely there at all. I like to think of this as literally changing your past. You know when you watch a time travel movie and they go into the past and fix something or change something and then they come back to the present and they see that something is different and it's all perfect and seamless? Well in a fact that's what happens when you do EFT on a past trauma trauma and achieve total resolution of the trauma. Not only do you change your past but you change the present and that's really what matters most." |
Author, Ben Schwarcz
Transformational Coach, Psychotherapist, EFT Tapping Practitioner, Teacher and Author. Archives
March 2021