The Five Keys to Transforming Your Consciousness, Shifting Your Mindset and Elevating Your Mood There are Five Key things that must be done in order to shift your mindset. Leaving any of them out will keep you from making a full shift shift to your next level of being.... and it is very important to know that we never stop evolving, no matter how much we grow. 1. Make space. Be still. 2. Breathe mindfully. Deep and slow breathing from the belly. With awareness. Practice this constantly. 3. GIve up all efforts to be perfect. Let go of your perfectionism and accept yourself as you are NOW. 4. Decide Now that you have the power and the choice to let go of anything at any time. It takes an instant to let go. Letting go is a constant practice. Do it repeatedly. YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM. 5. Your beliefs are the architect of your reality. Your core beliefs are subconsciously programmed and rooted in the past - mainly in childhood memories. Most of these programs are UNCONSCIOUS in us. Therefor, if you want to change your beliefs (and your reality), you must have a way into those memories and you must have a way to release unresolved traumatic or adverse memories in order to allow a new positive belief to naturally crystallize in it's place. You are on a consciousness journey, waking up to who you really are, and realizing your power to consciously, and effortlessly, create your own reality. In truth we are always creating our experience of reality in every moment. The key to allowing your life to flow easily, effortlessly and naturally is a combination of excitement and belief. When we believe that something is possible with all of our heart and we feel excited about it, an unstoppable momentum is generated, and it is inevitable for us to create that thing - we draw it into our field of consciousness. If we have only excitement, without really believing that something is possible, then it's less likely to get what we want. And if we have the belief but no desire, no excitement, no energy toward that thing, it's unlikely that we will attract it. But when we have these two things together there is great power and things can happen very quickly. The key is that in order to truly believe, we have to reconstruct our subconscious programming, which is where our beliefs are rooted. That's where your power is. And that's where EFT Tapping comes in. Our core beliefs are based on our formative memories. Our limitations are simply negative core beliefs that are rooted In our old trauma memories (both "Big T" and "little t" traumas). Unless we go in and complete some of those emotionally meaningful memories, those un-popped bubbles in the stream of time, we have a very difficult time ever changing our core beliefs and thus we also have a hard time liberating ourselves and rising to the level of being a conscious creator. We cannot harness the power of the mind to intentionally create or attract what we want, or enjoy the thrill of seeing the world as our reflection unless we can undo the negative, self-limiting, fear-based, victim identity that is programmed into the mind and body from our earliest years of life and throughout our development. The world is nothing more than a mirror of your consciousness. When you change, the world changes. Hold it lightly. Don't take yourself too seriously and enjoy the show. More Transformational Tips: Accept every adverse experience or challenge as a way for you to confront a fear, overcome a limitation, find a new strength or surrender the ego. We never stop getting new chances to practice, change and grow. It's not a race. The universe is a big place. And time is an illusion. It's all Happening NOW. Laugh at yourself whenever you can. Talk out loud to yourself - kindly and with love - any chance you get. Your inner child might be pissed off at you - or scared of your criticism and self judgement. Talk to your inner kid - because this kid is real and you need one another. Don't be afraid to want more out of life. But never forget that your only real peace is in realizing there is nothing outside you that will ultimately satisfy you. Your heart has everything you yearn for.already. Write in a journal whenever you can. Write down your goals. Just writing them down makes them infinitely more likely to happen. Even though you have it all inside you - it is still often necessary, and very human, to need another human being to witness your feelings in order for you to grow and release pain. You don't have to be a a hero. Ask for help. You're worth it. ![]() EFT Tapping to release what binds you... There is no better place to begin than right where you are. Everything required for you to fulfill your purpose and find meaning and peace in your life, is present in your mind and body at this moment. The longing. The dreams. The fears and the hopes. And even the pain. Pain is a state that is very difficult to ignore. Pain shows up when our deeper self is having a hard time getting our attention. Emotional pain. Physical pain. They are intimately connected. I've seen many clients who experience physical symptoms - like migraines, or feelings of intense nausea - that prove to be 100% emotionally caused. That doesn't mean it's "all in your head." It means that emotions are in the body. And the body can react to certain emotions with the same intensity as any other substance - like an allergen, and toxin or food that can't be digested. EFT Tapping can often release emotions at this body-mind level with amazing ease. Pain is what often drives many people to seek the help of a healer, coach, or therapist. Those who recognize the opportunity for deep and profound transformation, gain the most. When we release any deeply held emotion, pain, or even outgrown beliefs that keep our heart and mind closed, we experience tremendous relief, gratitude, peace, and inspiration. This is the edge of the known and the threshold of a potential that can bring new delights, new possibilities, adventures and wisdom that may have once seemed impossible. Emotional and physical pain becomes sharper, scarier and more overwhelming when it is seen as a problem. I never recommend using phrases like, "I battle depression." Unless you want to do battle with yourself, I suggest looking at your emotions and your body in a gentler way. Any obstacle, adversary, enemy, pain, illness or circumstance that shows up in your life, can be transformed when you choose to see it as a doorway to transformation. A poison can be transmuted into nectar. And fear can transform into forgiveness, love and peace. Sometimes through surrender. Sometimes through confrontation and courage. The essential secret is to practice confronting every obstacle in your life as a perfectly designed lesson in personal empowerment and liberation. EFT Tapping can greatly facilitate that process of transmutation - especially when done with a the guidance of a trained, intuitive coach. For now, make the decision that you will not remain trapped in a reality of your own creation and choose to begin the journey of living a conscious and empowered life. Keep a journal. Write down the things in your life that you know you want, and the things that you want to change or let go of. List the things and the people that appear to be your most difficult obstacles or sources of pain and ask yourself how these obstacles might be approached as portals for your transformation. Wishing you Peace and Success! ![]() What does Trauma work have to do with Time Travel? Time travel has been a fascination of mine for my whole life. It's also a serious subject of debate and research among theoretical physicists. Quantum physics shows us that time is different than how we normally perceive it. A great deal of my professional life is spent helping my clients release past emotional traumas. I see people of all ages, and many have carried the heaviness, the emotions and the vivid imagery of early traumas for decades. An unresolved emotional trauma from childhood can be just as vivid, intense and real to an 80 year old, as it can be to a 30 year old. Time does NOT heal all wounds, contrary to popular belief. When we use EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques), in the most effective clinical way (not the superficial way that it is popularly portrayed online), for specific traumatic memories, it is common to see vivid imagery disappear forever, emotional intensity give way to contentment and peace, and physical symptoms of tension, stress and pain to completely disappear as the trauma is resolved. So my question is this: What is the difference between this and time travel? If you went back in time, and intervened to prevent that traumatic event that happened to you at the age of 12 or 8 or 5, so that it never happened, how would you be different today? How would your life have ended up? How different would you feel? How would your relationships be different? Fortunately, we don't have to wait for quantum physicists to invent a time travel machine to find out. When we work on a trauma memory with EFT, it often becomes quickly apparent that the impressions of that memory are very present in both the mind and the body. And by using the EFT technique effectively with a well trained guide, the memory can become so neutralized that it feels as if it never even happened. Does that mean you forget it? This is what most people ask. Some people are afraid of forgetting. The fact is, you do not forget. You simply take away all the vividness, all the sadness, the anger, the shame, the embarrassment, the fear, the anxiety, the tension.... often what was a clear photographic mental image, now shows up faded or even blank. So how is this any different than time travel? Changing the course of your life by changing the past? It's no different. It's the same thing. When you resolve enough early trauma memories, you regain yourself, your power, your confidence, your innocence, your joyfulness. This is why I love this work! Don't be happy later.
It is disempowering to yourself when you hold the belief that "I will be happy when..." When I'm married.... When I'm making more money.... When the weekend comes.... When I eat desert.... When I get laid.... The truth is, no you will not. You will have a temporary satiation of your desire. And that will bring temporary satisfaction and contentment. If it's really great you might have a moment or two of ecstasy. And then it will be done. We create all kinds of stories about why we are not happy, or can't be happy. You might believe deep down, that you don't deserve to be happy or haven't earned the right to be happy. Or you might even believe that you don't know how to be happy - or that you were never taught how to be happy. You might believe that if you were happy for no reason, that you would lose all desire and motivation to accomplish anything or take any action in life. This idea just another way we justify torturing ourselves and suffering more than we need to. You can let yourself be happy in this moment, for absolutely no reason at all. Nothing outside of you, no sensory experience, no pleasure seeking can give you what you really desire. Our happiness does not require anything beyond your own existence. Even opening up to the very possibility of this will elevate your vibration. In every moment you can stop indulging in worry, fear, guilt and anger and choose to just be at peace. It requires your permission to allow yourself this happiness for no reason. You don't have to earn it or fight for it or struggle for it, or look for it, or discover it, or do penance for it. It is yours if you dare to allow yourself. But it must be for no reason at all. As long as you place any preconditions on being happy then it will never be possible. Be happy now. Choose it. Say it out loud to yourself. Say it all day if you have to. "I choose to be Happy Now." (Notice this is different than saying "I am Happy") What if you are miserable, in pain, scared, stressed, depressed... but you keep saying "I'm happy." You will know you are lying to yourself and it won't have much positive effect. It will probably even make you feel worse! But if you say -- "I choose to be Happy, no matter what... I choose to be happy in this moment... I choose to be happy anyway..." You begin to empower yourself. You create an opening. A sense of hope. Because it is a truth, not a lie - that you have the power inside you - that you are the power - you are IT. You do not have to wait for something out there to save you. Even waiting for something from inside you to save you is the same thing. Decide and do it NOW. "I choose in this moment to be happy. I will keep making this choice." There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the relief you feel when you surrender to your Self. Happiness is the natural outcome of raising your vibration. You can raise your vibration by telling a positive story about yourself and your life. Practicing selfless compassion towards others is another way. Higher vibration attracts more high vibrations. You become a positive magnet for positive people, experiences, and situations. And what if something challenging, painful, difficult or adverse shows up in your life? Does it mean you're doing it wrong? Is it your fault? Are you a failure at life? NO! Don't catastrophize it. Don't create more emotional drama around it. Whatever shows up in your life, it is your interpretation – the meaning you give to it – that causes the most turmoil and pain about it. Own your feelings about it, feel them, and be steady. Adversity tests us to see if we can stay rooted in our inner Self without getting swallowed up by the world. Don't view your emotions as a problem, no matter what you are feeling. And no matter what you feel, still choose to be okay in this moment. Become conscious of the story you are telling yourself about this difficult situation. Are you telling yourself that you can only be happy if this situation goes away? Or if it is the way you expect it to be, or want it to be? Happiness and peace are innate qualities of your deepest essence. Choose to focus on your innermost Self and let go of trying to control the world. There is no better use of your mental and emotional energy than making this choice in every conscious moment that you can. Peace to you. Ask yourself: What is the life story that I am telling myself? Am I the hero or the victim of my story? Is it true, or is it just the story I have gotten attached to? Can I tell my story in a different way? If I could let go of my story completely, who would I be? Try This: 1. Simply writing about this can be a powerful and transformational process. Try writing down a summary of the story you've been holding onto. What kind of character have you been playing in your life story up until now? Write it just the way you've been telling it, and then look at it objectively. This alone will raise your consciousness... Then write down a new version that is more aligned with the person you consciously choose to be. Your ideal self. Make up new rules for your life, new beliefs about yourself, and the kind of life you really most desire. 2. Once you identify the parts of your old story that you would prefer to change, you can use EFT Tapping to dissolve your attachment to it. Negative emotions are like the glue that holds your painful memories together. With tapping you can neutralize the negative emotions about specific past events, and re-frame the story, or ultimately, even let it go completely. -------If you want to change your world, it begins right here. Simple steps. Infinite possibilities. Helping my clients shift their mindset is the most gratifying part of my job. An intuitive and non-judgemental guide and coach can provide a mirror for you to see yourself more clearly, and to help you dis-identify from the limiting story that is keeping you stuck. Through EFT Tapping, meditation, visualization and accountability to your goals and intentions, there are unlimited possibilities for shifting your consciousness and raising your vibration. The more you shift your self-defeating thoughts and negative emotions, the more you connect the head and the heart, and the more life flows through you and to you. Feel free to call me to schedule a session and make the shift :) 707-326-5566 I talk to hundreds of people who struggle with every type of emotion, trauma, fear, mental block.... you name it. In spite of the apparent differences between one person's struggles and another's, the point of change always comes with the same realizations.
The most important realization is this: “I am the source of all that I see. And nothing is outside of my consciousness.” This may sound like a grandiose idea. (It doesn't mean you're the ultimate creator of the Universe. Just the source of all that you see). So please just put aside your cynicism for a moment and consider this perspective. Having an open mind is a pre-requisite for any true growth or expansion of consciousness. Just an open mind. My clients have light-bulb moments when they begin to take this idea in and start to “feel” the truth of it, rather than just holding it as an interesting intellectual concept. If the world around you was only a dream, would you be afraid? If you knew it was all a dream, would you see any situations or people as a real threat to your well-being? The key factor in being liberated or being disempowered is your relationship to fear. Fear is only harmful to you when you see it as real. We go to scary movies because we like getting scared – but it's because we know it isn't real. We take risks because we like the thrill of overcoming our fear. Yes, I hear some of you saying, fear is necessary to keep me alive! I'm not talking about normal instinctive fear. Like swerving to avoid an accident. Although, you've probably experienced that kind of instinct and felt it like a slow motion scene, and felt no fear at all... I'm talking about made up fear. Fear that is magnified by our imagination. When life gets too scary, and we lose our power, it is because we see the threat as very real, and we see our power as very small. When you see the world as an impenetrable monster, you forget your most vital and precious gifts. You forget that it's a dream. You forget that it's a reflection of your mind. You take it very seriously and your vibration gets lower. The lower that vibration goes, the more you feel stuck in the matrix. Less energy, lower mood, more fear and anxiety, less creativity, less power, more despair and worry. It all gets very serious. The world is not your enemy. It is your canvas. Your playground. Your hologram. Your dream. You don't have to be perfect or saintly or enlightened to realize this. You don't have to eliminate every negative thought. You don't have to be nice all the time. You don't have to be vegan or know all the answers to life's mysteries. You don't have to be completely fearless or fulfilled or successful. You just have to be committed to embracing this one idea. This one realization. And then you work on your thoughts. Does this mean you don't have to take action? No! Empowered thoughts naturally lead to empowered action. It's hard to take empowered action when you are scared to death! When we think habitually and unconsciously all the time. When the mind is very unsettled and thoughts are constantly jumping from one thing to another, it is harder to remember that the world you see is an extension of this mind. Practicing concentration. Breathing. Doing things that help us feel grounded, calm and focused, makes it much easier to hold this idea and make it a conscious reality. Just the act of conscious breathing can bring us to this place. Conscious breathing is the essence of Mindfulness. When we are fully focused on our breathing we are much less mired in the mind. EFT Tapping is another incredible tool for extinguishing negative, habitual, fear based thoughts, and quieting the restless mind. If you want to change your world, it begins right here. Simple steps. Infinite possibilities. We've read many self-help books that push the gratitude idea. Make a gratitude list. Keep a gratitude Journal. Focus on what you are grateful for in order to feel more positive and attract more good things into your life. The "attitude of gratitude." But most people secretly find it very difficult to truly, genuinely feel gratitude when life is really hard (those times that you actually need positive energy the most). We know that gratitude is healing, and that it produces a natural state of happiness when we can focus on what we're grateful for.... this is demonstrated by a number of brain studies. But what about when nothing seems to be going your way? What can you do when you're unhappy, struggling, bitter, sad, frustrated? It can be much harder to feel genuine gratitude when life sucks! If you can still feel genuine gratitude for the good things, then definitely focus on that. But if you're finding it hard to do, then I'm going to suggest a different way of using the power of gratitude. One that can produce much more powerful shifts in your energy and mood, faster and easier. But it requires a radically different view of reality... The thing to be grateful for is this: “My entire life around me is only reflecting my own consciousness, my thoughts, emotions and beliefs. What I perceive right now is only one limited version of reality, and it can all change the instant that I do. What appears out there as fixed and solid, is actually fluid and changeable. There are infinite other versions of this reality. I don't have to change the world. I can just focus on changing how I feel in this instant, and my version of the world will shift with me. The world I experience is a perfect reflection of my mind and what I hold to be true in any given moment. I can change it whenever I want. I am truly grateful to know that the power to change my world is within my own consciousness, here and now. And that even the negative things, the painful things, the apparent obstacles, are opportunities to overcome my fears, my judgments and my helplessness. I am not a victim of the world I see. What you must remember is this:
Quantum physics demonstrates that we actually live in a multiverse (not "universe") and that in every moment, every action that you take creates a shift that births a completely new universe, like branches on a tree, endlessly growing in new directions. Start to do the things that make you happy. Right now. Don't just think about it. Do something. Action is the easiest way to move energy. What feels good? What do you enjoy? What have you been denying yourself? What people have you been putting off seeing? Who boosts your positive feelings about yourself? Visit them. What makes you smile? Do that. Change the action. Change the scene. Do something unexpected. Out of your routine. Changes don't have to be extreme. Just do something different. It will change how you feel. Get excited about the idea that you can change the waking dream by changing your own thinking. Do not indulge your negative thoughts. Recognize when you are thinking like a victim. And make a conscious choice to tell yourself a different story. Remember that your greatest power is within. It is rooted in the story you tell yourself about yourself and your life. All change begins and ends there. You can also use EFT Tapping to help you in this same way – by calling out and clearing the negative feelings and the negative story, and re-framing, or telling yourself a different story (tapping in the positive), essentially reprogramming your subconscious mind with a new story line... EFT can be especially useful when you feel like your negative thoughts and emotions have hijacked your mind and you can't turn it around. continue reading on my blog... Going Deeper.... Ask yourself: What part of this situation feels completely beyond my control? What's showing up in my life right now that feels bigger than me, and feels like a threat? What if I could fully realize that I am the source of all that I see around me? All of it. Try This: 1. Identify what exactly is showing up that feels scary, hopeless, threatening or immovable. Close your eyes, and focus on that in your mind. Feel whatever feelings it evokes in you. 2. Then go through the EFT Tapping routine, describing the negative feelings about the thing or person you are focusing on. Describe it specifically, as related to this particular problem in your life. Keep tapping for several rounds, letting yourself feel the feelings until they subside or change. Don't think of it as a problem outside of you to defeat, but observe how it shows up in your mind. Keep tapping more rounds as you name the feelings about it, until they decrease and fade. If you do this thoroughly, it is likely that either your "problem" out there will go away or resolve itself. Or your negative thoughts and feelings about it will change, and you will no longer consider it a problem for you. If you don't know, or don't remember the basic EFT Tapping routine, please visit my website or download my book. _____________________________________________ "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -Nikola Tesla A thought repeated long enough becomes a belief.
Thoughts determine your feelings. But it is your beliefs that construct your reality. Your beliefs are not random. They are part of your personal mythology... Each of us has a story, a narrative that we tell ourselves about our history, our upbringing, our successes and failures, our traumas and our blessings. The character we play in our life story is only as powerful as the beliefs we hold about this character. The story we tell is colored by emotion, and by the meaning we give it. It is not just a neutral timeline of events. It could be written as a tragedy. Or a tale of heroism and victory. It could be told as a story of existential meaninglessness... or a story of spiritual awakening.... Whatever our story is, we tend to stick to it. We tell it to ourselves and to others, and our subconscious mind knows it intimately. It becomes the blue print for our life. We broadcast it even without our awareness. What you see, and what you feel, how you think, and who you meet, all conforms to fit the story line that you have constructed. Your expectations, both conscious and unconscious, all fit with what would be expected for the character that you are playing in your story. When you change your story, you change your life. The story of your life is still unfolding, but as long as you hold onto the story of your past, you will inadvertently continue it into your future. The story that you've bought into is actually not required for your continued growth or happiness... it is simply a role that you have chosen to play, and you've become so engrossed in playing this part that you forgot your real self. What if you didn't have this story any more? Ask yourself: What is the life story that I am telling myself? Am I the hero or the victim of my story? Is it true, or is it just the story I have gotten attached to? Can I tell my story in a different way? If I could let go of my story completely, who would I be? Try This: 1. Simply writing about this can be a powerful and transformational process. Try writing down a summary of the story you've been holding onto. Write it just the way you've been telling it, and then look at it objectively. This alone will raise your consciousness... Then write down a new version that is more aligned with the person you consciously choose to be. Your ideal self. 2. Once you identify the parts of your old story that you would prefer to change, you can use EFT Tapping to dissolve your attachment to it. Negative emotions are like the glue that holds your painful memories together. With tapping you can neutralize the negative emotions about it specific events and re-frame the story, or ultimately, even let it go completely. If you don't know, or don't remember the basic EFT Tapping routine, please visit my website or download my book (link is below). An intuitive and non-judgemental guide and coach can provide a mirror for you to see yourself more clearly, and to help you dis-identify from the limiting story that is keeping you stuck. Through EFT Tapping, meditation, visualization and accountability to your goals and intentions, there are unlimited possibilities for shifting your consciousness and raising your vibration. The more your shift your thoughts and emotions, the easier it become to create the outer life you desire. Feel free to call me to schedule a session and make the shift :) All life is vibration. All energy. Your thoughts. Your emotions. Your body, and the Earth. This is a fact.
To change your circumstances, your environment, your relationships, and the path of your life, you have to shift your own consciousness. The good news is that these inner shifts do not require time, nor do they depend on anything outside you. Shifts happen continually, and the potential for positive changes exist in every moment. If you can get excited about this idea, you are already 90% of the way there! So what about the other 10 percent? Intention. Focus. Self-acceptance. Belief. That's the part that might need a little work. But it's good work and it's worth it. It's the work I live for -- for my own growth, and to help others do the same. When the mind is cluttered with too many thoughts and past traumas and old emotional experiences are still taking up room in your head, the focus is lost, the mind is scattered, the energy is not as strong and life can feel stuck and painful and frustrating. Never forget that the power to change is inside YOU. Not outside you, in the "world," or in someone else. You can do things to change your consciousness. Meditation. Breathing consciously. Talking (kindly) to yourself. And EFT Tapping are just a few of the best ways I have found. Here are some more things you can start right now, to elevate your feelings, raise your vibration and shift your life quickly.... More Ways to Practice Getting Into the Zone:
Most of all, be kind to yourself. Life is hard enough without you being your own worst enemy. Nobody was meant to struggle through life alone. We all get stuc sometimes. If you want some help remembering your own power, or you want to accelerate your your progress. It's never a bad time to invest in your own mental, emotional and spiritual well being! Feel free to call me to schedule a session and make the shift :) 707-326-5566 Or Schedule EFT Coaching sessions online: BOOK A SESSION I want to talk about Energy and Consciousness...
All physical matter is connected. And all matter is an expression of energy. Energy is the substratum of the world that we appear to live in. Not only are the atoms that make up your physical body, in fact energy... but your thoughts and emotions are forms of energy. They are measurable and real. The method that I use most in my work with people is EFT - also called Tapping. It is an energy based, mind/body technique that was developed over 20 years ago and has gained more and more acceptance by the mainstream psychology and medical professions. What we think, has a direct effect on what we feel, as well as our physical vitality and health. What we think Consciously - is only maybe 10% of what we are actually thinking. The other 90% is Unconscious - and it is that 90% that affects us the most! Our unconscious programs can help us and can also hurt us, or limit us, or cause us to feel stuck in patterns of behavior or relationships or circumstances that seem beyond our control. When our unconscious mind is in alignment with our conscious mind, things flow, you feel empowered, inspired, energized, and effective. But when there is a mismatch, such as when your conscious desire is blocked by your unconscious fear - then you feel stuck or blocked. EFT can be used to change those unconscious fears and emotional blocks. EFT is a form of energy healing that can alter your relationship to the past. It can permanently change your emotional reaction and your feelings about past events you've experienced in your life. Imagine for a moment that time was not linear but rather all times exist simultaneously. Imagine past present and future stretched out across the universe like a tunnel. Imagine rising above and away from that tunnel you have a vantage point of the whole thing all at once you can see it all stretched out before you all existing there in front of you like a loaf of bread... you can look at any slice of bread from any particular slice of time and yet it exists right now just as much as any other slice of bread. Now consider for a moment that whatever you feel think and do here right now in this present time is very much influenced by things that you've experienced in the past -- particularly in the first 20 years of life. From your childhood, when you were most impressionable. Now consider the fact anything that's happened, particularly any adverse event that has happened in your past continues to to exert a negative effect on your outlook, your emotions, even your health... your sense of possibilities about yourself and about the world, your relationship patterns your, stress, triggers, addictions, attachments, your likes and dislikes your fears..... Now if you could take yourself specifically back to a memory, what you are in fact doing is like time traveling... taking a past moment and entering into that moment in some way connecting back into that moment becoming present again in that moment..... and if you can use EFT tapping to elliminate or diffuse all the emotional energy and reactions to that past event as well as fade away the detail and the intensity of the memory itself -- then in a fact you have changed the past.... Because the past as it affects you now is simply the past as you remember it. If you change your memory and all of your feelings about that memory, it is as if it never happened. And this is exactly what many of my clients say to me after we have successfully worked through a past trauma. They sometimes find it unbelievable and a little confusing to find that a troubling past memory that has burdened them or overwhelmed them or felt extremely vulnerable or difficult to even talk about, unpleasant to think about for years, suddenly becomes inconsequential...neutral and faded and barely there at all. I like to think of this as literally changing your past. You know when you watch a time travel movie and they go into the past and fix something or change something and then they come back to the present and they see that something is different and it's all perfect and seamless? Well in a fact that's what happens when you do EFT on a past trauma trauma and achieve total resolution of the trauma. Not only do you change your past but you change the present and that's really what matters most." |
Author, Ben Schwarcz
Transformational Coach, Psychotherapist, EFT Tapping Practitioner, Teacher and Author. Archives
March 2021