Tapping Into Joy: Meridian Tapping and Mindfulness for Depression
by Ben Schwarcz, MA, MFT
I wrote this book to be a powerful and useful guide that you can dive into immediately and get fast results.
This book is a valuable and practical manual for all levels of experience with EFT (Meridian Tapping), from beginners to advanced practitioners.
I intentionally tried to make it easy on the eyes, and easy to understand and use right away. Each chapter has very useful tap-along scripts to help you get the feel for addressing all the different issues (aspects) that commonly contribute to depression, anxiety, and stress.
The book is written from a holistic perspective that regards self-love and self-acceptance as crucial steps in healing. Throughout the book is the message that you are NOT your body, NOT your feelings, your emotions or your thoughts.... your true essence is unbroken, innocent and free.
This is a practical manual for helping you to shift your energy and mood, today.