The Ecstatic Somatic Group Coaching Program
For Women Seeking to free themselves from Relationship Traumas,
reawaken their inner guidance, self-love, and intuition -
and live a life of heart-centered trust, passion, and emotional freedom.
Break the cycle of toxic relationships - and recover your authentic self
For Women Seeking to free themselves from Relationship Traumas,
reawaken their inner guidance, self-love, and intuition -
and live a life of heart-centered trust, passion, and emotional freedom.
Break the cycle of toxic relationships - and recover your authentic self
Trauma Informed Coaching, EFT Tapping, Breathwork and Psychedelic Therapy
Coaching via Zoom, office sessions, or wilderness-basedTransformational Coaching uses well established trauma-informed methods such as EFT Tapping and Breathwork to shift and release stuck emotions and unconscious fears, removing the inner blocks to your natural state. Release past emotional traumas, and achieve peak states...
Full Day Intensives and RetreatsInfinite possibilities exist, and this full day of EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Visioning, and Intuitive work can open new doors. Depending on season, intensive may be held in an inspiring nature area. Retreats may be arranged for groups or individuals. Call to discuss possibilities.
Santa Rosa Life Coach and Trauma Therapist
Ben Schwarcz, MA, MFT, ACAP-EFT, EFT Tapping Trainer
From Trauma to Transformation
Ben Schwarcz, MA, MFT, ACAP-EFT, EFT Tapping Trainer
From Trauma to Transformation
In a world of A.I. and automation, isn't it nice to know you can still call a real person?

You’re probably here because you've begun to see and feel the negative effects of a past emotional trauma, or simply feel that something painful from your past has followed you into your present life. It's likely that you keep encountering the same patterns, the same blocks, and the same frustrations or the same relationship issues repeatedly, no matter how much insight you seem to have about yourself.
It may be that you've spent years following someone else's dream for you, and you've forgotten what your own dreams were. You may have achieved a lot of outer success and status, but secretly feel disillusioned and dissatisfied...
You might feel tired, uninspired, or unable to get off the wheel because you're afraid of what you would feel if you stopped and just let yourself be still...
Maybe you have become so wrapped up in the identity of your work, that you've lost touch with who you really are and what you truly want...
You may be struggling to regain your sense of self after an abusive relationship, or still feel haunted by the memories of past childhood abuse or sexual trauma that you've never talked about or fully released.
It may be that you've spent years following someone else's dream for you, and you've forgotten what your own dreams were. You may have achieved a lot of outer success and status, but secretly feel disillusioned and dissatisfied...
You might feel tired, uninspired, or unable to get off the wheel because you're afraid of what you would feel if you stopped and just let yourself be still...
Maybe you have become so wrapped up in the identity of your work, that you've lost touch with who you really are and what you truly want...
You may be struggling to regain your sense of self after an abusive relationship, or still feel haunted by the memories of past childhood abuse or sexual trauma that you've never talked about or fully released.
Whether your concern is chronic stress, anxiety, pain, relationship problems, or unhealthy habits, you feel like some part of you is missing. Like you still haven't “arrived.”
Unfinished emotional traumas can rob you of your strength, your vitality and your spirit. Unresolved traumas can hijack your mind and keep you from feeling truly alive, authentic, and present. They dim the light that should be there in your eyes, in your heart, and in your work.
The good news is that no matter how long you've felt stuck, incomplete or in pain – whether it's been a month, a year or 40 years that you've carried the emotional weight of unresolved traumas – there are safe, effective, natural methods of fully releasing old painful memories from your mind and body. There is a way to let go of old subconscious patterns that keep leading you to self-sabotage, and there is a way to help you awaken the parts of you that seemed lost and forgotten.
Over the past 25 years I've helped hundreds of people just like you – to finally put their pain to rest, and awaken from the fog that had kept them from living fully, with passion, inspiration, creativity and authentic happiness. These things are all possible, and it is my greatest joy to be able to serve my clients in this way, witnessing the transformation of body, mind, and spirit.
I primarily offer three somatic approaches to resolving trauma, EFT Tapping, Transformational Breathwork, and PSIP (Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy).
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or "Tapping" is a well researched mind-body approach for mental and emotional transformation, utilizing the energy system of the body to facilitate profound changes in the way you think and feel. EFT is a meridian-based technique like acupuncture, but targets specific thoughts, feelings and emotions that are held in the body. EFT is non-intrusive, does not involve physical contact (you tap on your own acupressure points), and doesn't use needles.
EFT is highly effective for a wide variety of unresolved traumas and is especially suited for treating specific, conscious trauma memories. For complex or unconscious traumas, (including early life traumas and birth trauma), PSIP is often more effective. Together these two approaches can provide most people with significant relief and closure.
Unresolved emotional pain and childhood traumas may be long forgotten, yet the body remembers. Old emotional energy remains stuck in the nervous system and in the body, and can create inner conflict, stress, physical problems, inhibited creative vision and lack of focus. By resolving past traumas, losses, fears and corresponding self-limiting beliefs, we can remove the barriers that prevent you from being fully present and achieving your full potential.
My approach to EFT is influenced by many years of experience and rigorous advanced training with some of the top EFT Masters and originators of this technique, combined with my deeply intuitive approach to connecting and guiding my clients to a more expanded and liberated sense of being.
EFT Tapping, PSIP and Transformational Breathwork Coaching can:
I work best with motivated people who can recognize their pain as a doorway to deep personal growth and transformation and who strive to take full ownership of their lives.
Call to schedule a Free Introductory Consultation with Santa Rosa Life Coach, Ben Schwarcz to see how this powerful process can transform your life:
Unfinished emotional traumas can rob you of your strength, your vitality and your spirit. Unresolved traumas can hijack your mind and keep you from feeling truly alive, authentic, and present. They dim the light that should be there in your eyes, in your heart, and in your work.
The good news is that no matter how long you've felt stuck, incomplete or in pain – whether it's been a month, a year or 40 years that you've carried the emotional weight of unresolved traumas – there are safe, effective, natural methods of fully releasing old painful memories from your mind and body. There is a way to let go of old subconscious patterns that keep leading you to self-sabotage, and there is a way to help you awaken the parts of you that seemed lost and forgotten.
Over the past 25 years I've helped hundreds of people just like you – to finally put their pain to rest, and awaken from the fog that had kept them from living fully, with passion, inspiration, creativity and authentic happiness. These things are all possible, and it is my greatest joy to be able to serve my clients in this way, witnessing the transformation of body, mind, and spirit.
I primarily offer three somatic approaches to resolving trauma, EFT Tapping, Transformational Breathwork, and PSIP (Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy).
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or "Tapping" is a well researched mind-body approach for mental and emotional transformation, utilizing the energy system of the body to facilitate profound changes in the way you think and feel. EFT is a meridian-based technique like acupuncture, but targets specific thoughts, feelings and emotions that are held in the body. EFT is non-intrusive, does not involve physical contact (you tap on your own acupressure points), and doesn't use needles.
EFT is highly effective for a wide variety of unresolved traumas and is especially suited for treating specific, conscious trauma memories. For complex or unconscious traumas, (including early life traumas and birth trauma), PSIP is often more effective. Together these two approaches can provide most people with significant relief and closure.
Unresolved emotional pain and childhood traumas may be long forgotten, yet the body remembers. Old emotional energy remains stuck in the nervous system and in the body, and can create inner conflict, stress, physical problems, inhibited creative vision and lack of focus. By resolving past traumas, losses, fears and corresponding self-limiting beliefs, we can remove the barriers that prevent you from being fully present and achieving your full potential.
My approach to EFT is influenced by many years of experience and rigorous advanced training with some of the top EFT Masters and originators of this technique, combined with my deeply intuitive approach to connecting and guiding my clients to a more expanded and liberated sense of being.
EFT Tapping, PSIP and Transformational Breathwork Coaching can:
- Clear the majority of Past Emotional Traumas for good
- Release Stress and Anxiety
- Activate Synchronicity
- Enhance Peak Performance and Flow
- Release Subconscious Blocks to Success
- Incorporate Mindfulness, Meditation, and Energy Psychology to Tap Into the Zone!
- Upgrade your Mindset. Transform victim consciousness into Creative Power
- Transform Unrelenting Perfectionism into Inspired Action, Heart-Centered Motivation and Self-Mastery.
I work best with motivated people who can recognize their pain as a doorway to deep personal growth and transformation and who strive to take full ownership of their lives.
Call to schedule a Free Introductory Consultation with Santa Rosa Life Coach, Ben Schwarcz to see how this powerful process can transform your life:
“Like any practitioner who has been through the Gold Standard EFT certification process, I have had the pleasure of evaluating Ben’s EFT skills in great depth. This is a professional version of EFT, designed to address diagnosable levels of trauma and distress, so there is a higher level of difficulty in applying the technical skills of the method, and managing a client’s comfort during the process.
In particular, I remember Ben’s demeanor with his clients, his ability to connect with them and explore their experience while still using his technical skill to make the most of each session. I have seen him work in a variety of scenarios, some with details of the experience exposed and others honoring complete privacy, and in every case he was able to find valuable targets to address, work through them in a deliberate organized way, and apply advanced testing methods to evaluate his results…all with his graceful, approachable style.
Ben has been on the list of practitioners I recommend in general since 2015, but I have also referred individual clients from my own practice to him when his skills are a better match. His training as a licensed therapist is a powerful foundation for Gold Standard EFT, and I have every confidence that he can provide the best of EFT to any client who finds him.”
Tina Craig
Director, Gold Standard EFT Certification Program
Co-Author, Gold Standard EFT Tutorial
In particular, I remember Ben’s demeanor with his clients, his ability to connect with them and explore their experience while still using his technical skill to make the most of each session. I have seen him work in a variety of scenarios, some with details of the experience exposed and others honoring complete privacy, and in every case he was able to find valuable targets to address, work through them in a deliberate organized way, and apply advanced testing methods to evaluate his results…all with his graceful, approachable style.
Ben has been on the list of practitioners I recommend in general since 2015, but I have also referred individual clients from my own practice to him when his skills are a better match. His training as a licensed therapist is a powerful foundation for Gold Standard EFT, and I have every confidence that he can provide the best of EFT to any client who finds him.”
Tina Craig
Director, Gold Standard EFT Certification Program
Co-Author, Gold Standard EFT Tutorial
Getting into "The Zone" is only possible
when your mind is not getting in the way.
Shifting your mindset is the most powerful thing you can do to change your reality, and this requires working on the subconscious mind.
When the conscious and unconscious mind are in alignment, life flows and becomes an adventure.
Call to schedule a coaching consultation: 707-326-5566
Available face to face in Santa Rosa, CA, or by Phone or Video Conference
Calls are answered directly when possible,
or returned within 1-2 business days maximum, when you leave your confidential message.
To learn more about Santa Rosa PTSD Treatment, trauma therapy, breathwork, and Psychedelic Somatic Interactional psychotherapy, and holistic health visit my therapy site.
Or to find out more about transformational coaching, call Ben Schwarcz, MA, MFT at 707-326-5566 to schedule a session or introductory phone call. Space for individual clients is limited.
Or to find out more about transformational coaching, call Ben Schwarcz, MA, MFT at 707-326-5566 to schedule a session or introductory phone call. Space for individual clients is limited.
The information about the EFT Tapping technique, PSIP and Breathwork on this website is for educational purposes only. Ben Schwarcz is trained and certified by Tina Craig and ACEP as an Advanced Practitioner of Clinical EFT, as well as a Certified Transformational Breath Coach, Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy practitioner, and a CA Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.
There are currently over 200 published research studies, including multiple randomized controlled trials (RCT) published in professional and refereed journals, confirming the treatment value of Energy Psychology and EFT. Taken as a body of knowledge, these findings suggest that meridian tapping techniques from the field of Energy Psychology (EFT and TFT) meet the criteria for evidenced-based treatment., demonstrating significant benefit for treating all levels of trauma as well as a variety of other issues. Results may vary for different individuals and this material is not intended to suggest a guaranteed outcome.
The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical treatment, diagnosis or advice. The information on this website is not intended to provide complete training or instruction in the use of EFT/Tapping. Exploring the material on this website does not constitute a therapeutic relationship or client-practitioner relationship of any kind with Benjamin Schwarcz.
Please seek professional advice as appropriate before implementing any protocol or opinion expressed on this website and before making any health decision. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression or a medical problem it is advised that you see your doctor or therapist for an evaluation.
While some people seem to experience faster results with Energy Psychology methods than other therapeutic approaches, results vary widely depending on each individual and the specific issues that they are seeking to resolve.
By continuing to explore this website you accept full responsibility for any risks associated with using this information.
The information about the EFT Tapping technique, PSIP and Breathwork on this website is for educational purposes only. Ben Schwarcz is trained and certified by Tina Craig and ACEP as an Advanced Practitioner of Clinical EFT, as well as a Certified Transformational Breath Coach, Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy practitioner, and a CA Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.
There are currently over 200 published research studies, including multiple randomized controlled trials (RCT) published in professional and refereed journals, confirming the treatment value of Energy Psychology and EFT. Taken as a body of knowledge, these findings suggest that meridian tapping techniques from the field of Energy Psychology (EFT and TFT) meet the criteria for evidenced-based treatment., demonstrating significant benefit for treating all levels of trauma as well as a variety of other issues. Results may vary for different individuals and this material is not intended to suggest a guaranteed outcome.
The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical treatment, diagnosis or advice. The information on this website is not intended to provide complete training or instruction in the use of EFT/Tapping. Exploring the material on this website does not constitute a therapeutic relationship or client-practitioner relationship of any kind with Benjamin Schwarcz.
Please seek professional advice as appropriate before implementing any protocol or opinion expressed on this website and before making any health decision. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression or a medical problem it is advised that you see your doctor or therapist for an evaluation.
While some people seem to experience faster results with Energy Psychology methods than other therapeutic approaches, results vary widely depending on each individual and the specific issues that they are seeking to resolve.
By continuing to explore this website you accept full responsibility for any risks associated with using this information.